cherie3272006-07-24 07:35:31
RD: May 30, 2006
AD: July 21, 2006

Background: PhD in biology from a university in Germany.
Postdoc in the area of development & disease in US university.

17 articles (5 first authored)
15 conference papers
1 patent (pending)
1 First Grade Prize of Natural science Prize in China
Membership of three societies
Review of seven journal papers
Name in grants (NIH, AHA)
8 recommendation letters from US
My case was field by the law Office of Steve Qi & Associates.

Good luck to everyone!
队伍不好带2006-07-24 11:53:33
radiology2006-07-24 15:40:22
回复:祝贺. 再次证明不强不弱的case最快
fzw2006-07-24 15:41:30
chuppie2006-07-24 16:04:59
140 or 485
emia2006-07-24 16:40:44
same question: how about citation? and I-140, right?
cherie3272006-07-24 17:03:32
回复:same question: how about citation? and I-140, right?
jassonbat2006-07-24 18:14:48
hi, cherie327 , I send you [悄悄话] , please check it, thanks!
ethylacetate2006-07-24 18:56:43
wish you can get your I-485 approved soon!