ffastplayer2006-07-25 00:39:14
Per my inquirement, I got a letter today as following

Your case is pending visa availability. Your priority date is 8/4/04 and visas for that category are currently available for the priority date of 1/1/00. Your case will not be worked until a visa becomes available. you may wish to check the visa bulletin in the future to see when a visa will become available. Until a visa becomes available, you will not need to contact USCIS again about your case.

My case should be EB1. is it possible that they made a mistake about the category of my case?
ffastplayer2006-07-25 01:15:32
没人知道吗? 请大家帮帮忙, 在线等ing
chuppie2006-07-25 02:10:37
You are EB3
toosad2006-07-25 03:14:42
是有可能弄错的, 直接写信去问吧
ffastplayer2006-07-25 03:52:12
Thanks all. Where can i write a letter to ask?
holala2006-07-25 04:28:18
ask senator or congressman for help