shaqo2006-07-25 18:41:01
My Eb1a was denied last year because CIS office thought it weak, please compare your qualifications with mine, hopefully you get some idea out of it:

1: 20 papers, 10 first authored ones, impact factor from 4-10
2: A national award
3. MD China, PhD, USA top 30 school
4. Journal reviwer: review articles from about 10 journals including PNAS
5. Two professional membership (both of them not very strict)
6. Citations: over 200
7. Recommendation letters: 8, big guys in my field from 6 countries

Rejected, Then I applied both OR and NIW

However, luck plays a critical role in the process. Don't be frightened if you have similar background with me
radiology2006-07-25 18:57:19
回复:thank for sharing. If you met nice white girl, and big guy
NIW_er2006-07-25 18:58:02
回复:to those who want to apply via EB1a, please see mine
WorthIt2006-07-25 19:18:15
easyguy2006-07-25 19:29:14
The key is to show being exceptional, I know...
shaqo2006-07-25 19:41:32
I hired a cheap lawyer who was later proven a jerk
einmaliger2006-07-25 20:09:14
good lawyer is never cheap.
MountainBeauty2006-07-25 21:21:20
Whos is "那个TSC著名的极tough的移民官"?