adsf2006-07-27 03:07:38
My current H1b is through one university. My job needs me to work in a national lab for a few months (3-4 months on business trip). Do I need to file something to USCIS (LCA or amended H1b). I will still be paid by the University not the National lab.
到目前为止我得到的是不同的答案.INTERNATIONAL OFFICE AT THE UNIVERSITY 说我需要file amended H1b (如果真是有一点变化就要劳民伤财的file amended H1b,我觉得制订这一政策的人们比较STUPID.因为他们不知道collaberative work 对搞研究来说是多么重要).
又发邮件问给我办NIW 的律师(NIW 申请正在进行中,还处于准备材料阶段),他说不需要FILE AMENDED H1B.
我整个人都被搞糊涂了,不知该听谁的? 如果不FILE AMENDED H1B,不知对我NIW 的申请有没有影响?
aus2006-07-27 03:24:53
回复:太多的疑问,请大家帮忙答疑. 先谢谢大家了
xlc2006-07-27 03:45:26
其实你最简单的办法是让national lab将应给你的部分通过学校来给你。
adsf2006-07-27 04:17:10
Clarify: National lab will not pay me any salary.
大豆腐2006-07-27 04:25:12
回复:Clarify: National lab will not pay me any salary.
adsf2006-07-27 04:29:02
But my question is I need to go to the national lab (see inside)
大豆腐2006-07-27 04:37:32
回复:But my question is I need to go to the national lab (see i
xlc2006-07-27 04:48:44
If you will not get any taxable benifit from national lab,
adsf2006-07-27 05:25:07
太感谢大家了. 我是不是应该FILE A NEW LCA?