ComeForHelp2006-07-27 16:27:37
Please help.

My hu*****and and I filed 485 at 9/2005. My last school's OPT ended at 3/27/2005, and my new school's I-20 started from 8/15/2005. Last week we got a message from USCIS asking for documentation of my non immigration status during that 4.5 months. Before I transfered to the current school, they told me that 5 months is allowed between school stransfers. Anybody can provide any legal documentation for me please? Thanks a lot.

ComeForHelp2006-07-27 16:29:56
I come to this site all the time. I have never seen any related
ohmyboy2006-07-27 16:36:50
回复:I had 4.5 months gap between schools. Filed 485 9/2005. U
ComeForHelp2006-07-27 16:39:27
Thanks for reply. I am going to do it.
ComeForHelp2006-07-27 18:27:48
Just talked to the international student office.
ComeForHelp2006-07-27 18:29:14
Xiao Bai Tu, could l you please help me? Thank you.
DO-PERM2006-07-27 18:47:02
when did u start to seek the i-20 ?
ComeForHelp2006-07-27 18:50:32
I got my I-20 in 5/2005. Thank you.