deadend?2006-07-28 02:06:16
My company is sponsor me for the Green Card and my case was filed by the end of 2004. I thought I am EB2,once I got my labor, I can file 485 pretty soon. But I just found out that they actually filed my case in EB3!!?. We all know the prority date for EB3 is still Otc 2001. Who know when it will move to 2004? God, this is so depressing. I almost lost my patients, I may just go back to China and forget about the damn GC! I thought I was so close and I can do what I really like to do with my life once, but it seems there's still long way to go....

Does anyone know if you can do something else like open you own business being a H1? Does anybody body here has this experience? Somebody give me some hope please!! Thanks a lot!
deadend?2006-07-28 02:11:53
Anybody in the same boat? Some input please.
alecwang2006-07-28 02:21:47
回复:Anybody in the same boat? Some input please.
deadend?2006-07-28 02:40:41
Well, thank you for you least this is some input.
rich1232006-07-28 06:28:13
回复:Well, thank you for you least this is some input.
bpc20012006-07-28 19:42:58
not that unlucky
deadend?2006-07-29 04:32:25
Thanks unfountionatly that's not an option for me.
deadend?2006-07-31 14:29:42
Thanks, that's what I am tryin to do, but I dont' know if