greeneyes2006-07-31 01:07:10
We renewed the EAD this May (approved on 22nd). The VSC sent the card and approval notice to my old address. The post office send the notice and card back to the Center. I called the Center later on and changed the address. They only re-sent me only the approval notice mentioned that I need to send them a check to get the replacement card.

My question: Do I really need the physical EAD card? In case I need to renew it next year (hopefully not), Do I have include the copy of both sides of the card as did this year? Thank you.....

My current situtation: 485 pending (was told rencently that the background check is still open, EB2), 140 was approved in Nov. 2004, Priority Date: Feb, 2004.
知名度比较高2006-07-31 01:44:40
Yes, U do need the replacement EAD Card.