fairr2006-08-01 18:31:23
I'm working as Financial Analyst for more than 1 year with Master Degree. Company is preparing for GC for me with EB3 catogery (non-negotiable 3rd category). SInce EB3 has such a long long waiting period in 485, do you think I should switch job now or wait until I got this PD then switch job?

Thanks very much,
fairr2006-08-01 19:02:55
WXAHZ2006-08-01 19:15:50
critique_ins2006-08-01 19:16:31
Since you have master degree, you may try hard to
fairr2006-08-01 19:24:54
Thanks so much! It's helpful. BUt I always confused about the ru
fairr2006-08-01 19:26:24
I tried very hard and even harsh, SVPs were meeting with me.
fairr2006-08-01 19:27:24
回复:Thanks so much! It's helpful. BUt I always confused about
critique_ins2006-08-01 19:29:24
I am shocked. I know many NY firms file EB1 for new Ph.Ds
fairr2006-08-01 19:32:22
That's the reason I want to find job in NYC now!
critique_ins2006-08-01 19:32:22
Should be "sponsor EB1". Firm layers even try hard to
fairr2006-08-01 20:46:55
Read this: I found online, is it true??
red_tip2006-08-02 03:17:52