Brainshake2004-01-20 22:17:00
I filed I-485 application to VT Center in Feb. 2002 and yet no information except 2 rounds of fingerprint taken. Anyone has the similar situation or worse? It seems like the case progress at VT has been stagnant for quite a while. Who'd heck know what's really going on there? Call Center always gives you song & dance and never be able to provide you any valuable information besides what you can find on website yourself. Gee, I-485, an endless waiting game? Be real!

linye2004-01-21 00:52:00
more worse
waitingye2004-01-21 01:05:00
I applied in 11/19/01, still
stillwaiti2004-01-21 01:11:00
even worse, I don't take 2nd
linye2004-01-21 01:24:00
I applied in 11/19/01, still
qwewqrqwer2004-01-21 14:02:00
回复:Waiting Game?!
Brainshake2004-01-21 17:00:00
回复:I485 Endless Waiting Game?!
我刚递了I-4852004-01-22 03:00:00
为什么要做两次fingerprint? 别人也是这样吗?
第一次的過期了2004-01-22 16:03:00