lifeinus2006-08-08 16:30:34
Received on 31/5/2006 in Nebraska, transfered to Texas and received on 6/2/2006, got email approval notice today. No LUD, no RFE.

Wish you all good luck!
zucebiming2006-08-08 17:55:06
Received on 31/5/2006??? Please clarify
lifeinus2006-08-08 17:59:04
Sorry! 5/31/2006回复:Received on 31/5/2006???
lifeinus2006-08-08 18:01:08
5/31/2006回复:Received on 31/5/2006???
popo3692006-08-08 19:08:19
回复:140 NIW approved today
一只熊2006-08-08 19:41:41
zucebiming2006-08-10 18:17:13
Cheers! Mine is almost 1 month earlier than urs, got aprvd today