movingforward2006-08-10 20:34:46

EB2: 前进一个月.
EB3: 不动
damngc2006-08-10 20:37:47
hello, dude, wake up !!!
radiology2006-08-10 20:44:18
movingforward2006-08-10 20:50:50
If I am correct, then mark my name.
wswj2006-08-10 20:57:33
USCIS2006-08-10 21:16:12
Don't worry, I will release the VB tomorrow.
ebwaiter2006-08-10 21:16:32
unless you show some supportive date,
state.dept2006-08-10 21:18:11
oh, i will prevent you from releasing the VB!
fcckuscis2006-08-11 01:56:37
you need to worry.
damingbai2006-08-11 03:04:03
回复:unless you show some supportive date data