movingforward2007-02-16 16:11:15
Through the senator's office, I was told that "The final response from the FBI was just entered into the system earlier this month."

Does this mean my name check is on track now and it will be finished soon? My name check has been pending for 18 months. During this period, I have written to the first lady and Bush.

Thank you.
xiaobaltu2007-02-16 16:14:54
回复:ask Xiaobaitu about my name check
movingforward2007-02-16 16:15:56
托你吉言, 多谢!
lucymom22007-02-16 16:38:22
you're not the real xiaobaitu.
clk2007-02-16 16:44:31
movingforward2007-02-16 16:46:48
google2007-02-16 18:57:07
VSC entered my NC result into system on 1/9, I am
kathy4102007-02-16 19:06:26
how did you know this?
google2007-02-16 19:24:58
local congressman
movingforward2007-02-16 19:59:11
My LUD was just changed, but not content on 2/13/2007
stinkingbug2007-02-16 20:32:51
ME TOO, namecheck finished on Jan 9, no update yet!
google2007-02-16 20:41:32
Was you fingerprint expired? which center you are?
happyheart2007-02-17 03:24:57
回复:local congressman
dm2595192007-02-19 16:22:57
Please check your 悄悄话. Thanks!