mothergoose2006-08-11 03:55:30
听大家说是TSC的receipt, 可是律师讲的确是file到NSC的. 而且听说所有的140都是先file到NSC的. 再NSC approved的朋友有SRC开头吗?

zucebiming2006-08-11 04:00:38
mothergoose2006-08-11 04:05:55
zucebiming2006-08-11 04:27:28
O, 这儿有很多NIWers, ur case looks faster if in NSC
zucebiming2006-08-11 04:29:55
my case was transfered right away, but it does not mean everyone
needwait..2006-08-11 13:11:28
All case to NSC firstly, then NSC re-arrange half to TSC.
noname1002006-08-11 14:49:42
回复:All case to NSC firstly, then NSC re-arrange half to TSC.
gc6662006-08-11 16:03:46
TSC: SRCxxxx, NSC : LINxxxx.