xiaoyazhi2006-08-13 00:01:48
一方面, 申请材料第一页强调领域是spectroscopy,用了下面句子;
As an excellent researcher in the field of spectroscopy, Dr. XXX’s continued presence in the United States will substantially benefit prospectively the United States, its people, and the society.

又一方面, 在申请信中具体项目是spectroscopy在医学中的应用,围绕医学的应用讲明NIW的各个要点。

现在新工作spectroscopy在其他领域应用。 行不行呢?
xiaoyazhi2006-08-13 02:39:19
xiaobaitu and other experts, could you please provide some sugge
puma02022006-08-13 05:31:12