最近碰到一个朋友,说H-1B transfer可以自己弄,省掉齁贵的律师费。后来想了一下,好像没那么简单,原因是我咨询过律师,在file H-1B application时,雇主方要提供一些如下的文件---我想有些文件自己是没有办法准备的,只有雇主本身才能提供。即使想DIY,像Federal Tax I.D. Number之类的文件雇主在目前是不会/不愿意告诉雇员的。是这样吗?
1. Complete name and address of the company;
2. Federal Tax I.D. Number;
3. Year company was established;
4. Number of employees;
5. Nature of the company's business;
6. Gross annual income/sales/budget;
7. Name, title, telephone and fax number, and email address of the company representative who will sign the necessary paperwork;
8. Job location address, if different from company address in #1;
9. Number of hours the foreign national will work per week (full-time/part-time);
10. Job title, salary and detailed job deion;
11. If the employer is a non-profit organization affiliated with an institution of higher education, please provide a copy of the IRS tax exemption letter as well as a copy of the affiliation agreement;
12. A copy of the company's most recent annual report.