smalllake2006-08-22 19:26:44
My sister will come to USA as a J-1 scholar this October, but her passport will expire next June. I remember that it is ok if
her passport will be valid through another 6 months when she enters USA. But according to the policy I found from the web, it seems that the passport must be valid for the entire period of the visitor's intended stay, for countries including China which signed some agreement with USA. I am got confused. Anyone has any official information or experience on this.

It is too difficult for her to extend her passport in china right now since she changed her HuKou once and also considering the little time left. If it is ok for she to enter USA, she can easily extend it in USA this year or change to a new passport early next year.

thanks in advance for your info.
mytwocents2006-08-22 23:30:45
She is fine.