lostPN2006-08-23 17:35:48
A B-2 visa holder has stayed here for one year with one extension. He went back China and reentered this Summer (visa is still valid). But wehn he passed the custom, the officer wrote three sentences on his I-94 ,'No extension, no chnage of status, no adjust of status'. My question is, can he still try to apply to change his status to F-1?
xiaobaitu2006-08-23 17:45:36
He'd better don't do so,CIS may deny his F1 application easilly.
lostPN2006-08-23 18:08:45
For his case, if he go back, do you think if he can get a B-2 vi
030521242006-08-23 18:20:06
回复:For his case, get a B-2 vi
lostPN2006-08-23 18:25:27
sorry, truncated. Repost my another question