ZHIYI20052006-09-02 21:15:19
Hello, Dear xiaobaitu and All,

This is my situation. I got my first h1b visa approved on 2000/12/22 in China and I stepped into the USA on 2001/12/22. My H1-B visa will expires on 2006/12/12. I filed my labor certification application at 2003 and it is still pending. It is the time to extend my H1B.

My questions are as follows:
1) If I consider my time in the USA, taking into consideration date of first arrival , I almost have used 5 years H1B, can i recapture the unused 1 year h1?

2) Since I filed my labor certification 3 years ago, can i concurrently file the 7th year h1b extension? It means can i extend h1b to 2008/12/12 instead of one year extension?

xiaobaitu2006-09-02 22:19:47
Since you filed LC more than one year,you may extend
aus2006-09-02 22:21:54
回复:xiaobaitu, how to recapture h1b gap?
radiology2006-09-02 22:23:02
回复:xiaobaitu, how to recapture h1b gap?
xiaobaitu2006-09-02 22:49:38
LC pending超过一年,H1B就可以每年延期这是移民法的规定,见下面
xiaobaitu2006-09-02 22:52:37
ZHIYI20052006-09-02 23:02:26
mytwocents2006-09-02 23:10:20
You can extend 2 year
radiology2006-09-02 23:14:42
mytwocents2006-09-02 23:17:32
And you do not do anything to recapture the year
mytwocents2006-09-02 23:22:03
Reorganize the excerpt of the memo
mytwocents2006-09-02 23:24:02
Another typo: You do not need to do anything.
ZHIYI20052006-09-02 23:56:04
回复:Reorganize the excerpt of the memo
mytwocents2006-09-03 00:11:46
Every officer should know that your H1
ZHIYI20052006-09-04 05:07:17
回复:Every officer should know that your H1