badcat2006-09-06 17:06:32
Just received REF from NSC.
Filed petition to VSC last September in rush hour. Transfered to NSC in May. Personal Information: Ph D in a top University in 2004 and working in a big company as a senior research scientist. 20 journal papers and about 30 conference abstracts. 8 reference letters. One student grant to support research as a Ph D student. 2 student rewards in International meeting. A few citations (Now more than 20). 2 membership of society, one is good and another is soso.


The evidence you have ted does not establish eligibility for this classification. You must additional evidence which demonstrates that the alien is recognized internationally as outstanding in the specific academic area.

If the evidence includes awards or prizes, explain the reputation of the organization granting the award, the significant of the award, and the criteria used to select the recipient.

If the evidence includes memberships in associations in the field, evidence of the requirements which must be met for membership.

If the evidence includes published material about the alien’s work, it must clearly indicate that the work is significant. An unevaluated listing in a subject matter index or footnote, or a reference to the work without evaluation is insufficient.

If the evidence includes participation as a judge of the work of others in the field, explain the criteria for selection as a panelist, reviewer, etc.

If the evidence includes original scientific, scholarly, artistic, or
business-related contributions, evidence of the importance of such contributions to the field. Evidence that those outside the alien’s circle of colleagues and acquaintances consider the work the work is especially valuable.

If the evidence includes authorship of scholarly articles, explain the significance of the publications in which they appeared.


evidence that the alien has at least three years of experience in teaching and/or research in the academic field. Experience in teaching or research while working on an advanced degree will only be acceptable if the alien has acquired the degree, and if the research conducted toward the degree has been recognized within the academic field as outstanding.
Evidence must be in the form of letter(s) from current or former employer(s) and must be include the name, address, and title of the writer, and a specific deion of the duties performed by the alien.
It seemed that CIS did read the petition letter and needs everything or the organization of the petition letter ted by the attorney was very very bad. Told by attorney to prepare more reference letters. Now I can collect more than 10 letters, but some of them from so-so professors. Questions: just use strong
letters or all of them. Other things: One reviewer for journal paper. Two request for published paper. One invitation for talk. Need other things?