KathyLu2006-09-07 03:20:59
假博士, 小白兔 和各位大侠,

看了许多帖,你们不辞劳苦,热心帮助他/她人, 答疑解惑, 向你们致敬.

有一问题请教. 我有工作,是H1-B . 我与 我先生5个月前结婚. 他是公民, 自雇开了一间公司,我和他的收入都不高. 我第一次婚姻的女儿 (小于18岁)和我们生活在一起.

读了I-864 说明, 我上USCIS.GOV 查信息, 发现如下信息:
Are there any exceptions to the sponsorship requirements?
There is no need to a Form I-864 if the intending immigrant can show EITHER that the intending immigrant has already worked, or can be credited with, 40 qualifying quarters as defined in title II of the Social Security Act OR that the intending immigrant is the child of a citizen and that the intending immigrant, if admitted for permanent residence on or after February 27, 2001, would automatically acquire citizenship under § 320 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended by the Child Citizenship Act of 2000.

似乎象我这样已有工作(H1-B)就不必提交FormI-864 (经济担保表), 但是在 I-864 表的说明有四十季点的exception, 并没有提及已有工作(H1-B)的exception情形.
考 路 到我们的收入不高(我和我先生的个人收入均低于三口之家的最低贫困线,两人收入合计略高此 贫困线), 所以请各位大侠帮我核实confirm

(1) 象我这样已有工作(H1-B) 申请婚姻临时绿卡时 是否 不需要提交Form I-864 ?

(2) 我是否仍然要为我女儿(也就是我先生的继女)提交Form I-864 ?



radiology2006-09-07 04:46:41
xiaobaitu2006-09-07 04:57:52
xiaobaitu2006-09-07 04:59:05
KathyLu2006-09-08 13:53:20
谢谢xiaobaitu,radiology, 尚有一问?