H1wenti2006-09-07 21:20:50
多谢mytwocents, 还有问题关于州税
我先不办amend H1.那我remote工作期间应该交州税给B州还是C州?我公司应该改我的payroll信息吗?因为我其实是从B州搬家C州.B州的原住址会作废.我可以改地址到朋友家吗?我问我原来办H1的律师,她不出面,秘书说她们不知道,让我去问税务局!


我公司总部在A州, 我的工作在B州(contract, H1是B州的),现在想到C州家里remote工作,职位职责,工作内容不变,我需要再办什么H1手续吗? 有没有时间限制? A,B,C 分别在东岸,中部 和西岸。
我网上差到超过2个月要重办prevailing wage, 是针对我这情况吗?可我在C州是家里上班,怎么贴job notice?(原来办H1时是贴在A州我公司总部。)

Your employer needs to file an amend H1 for you. I think the place where you work (your home) will be used to determine your prevailing wage for LCA. The job post will be in company's headquater
---by mytwocents
Mountainbeauty2006-09-07 21:58:03
You need pay state tax for both B and C
H1wenti2006-09-07 22:14:54
回复:You need pay state tax for both B and C
MountainBeauty2006-09-07 22:54:27
回复:回复:You need pay state tax for both B and C
H1wenti2006-09-07 22:55:50
mytwocents, 又要劳驾您了.律师都不知,我要没辙了.
mytwocents2006-09-07 23:01:15
I am not very sure, I think moun
H1wenti2006-09-07 23:02:21
回复:回复:回复:You need pay state tax for both B and C
mytwocents2006-09-07 23:03:15
Mountainbeauty is right. How about visit state tax web
H1wenti2006-09-07 23:09:18
mytwocents2006-09-07 23:16:57
I remember that STP at 法律咨询 is quite good at TAX