绿卡长征2006-09-11 16:02:29
大家聊聊也是好的啊? 至少知道我不是孤独一人在等排期.
ohmyboy2006-09-11 16:14:19
It will be everybody's guess before it comes out...
needwait..2006-09-11 16:51:06
I agree it. Guess is only a wasting time.
ITWorker02142006-09-11 17:03:59
not optimistic about EB2 moving forward...
GCrequest2006-09-11 17:16:21
does anyone has stats about BEC centers applicants?
ITWorker02142006-09-11 17:51:23
nightmares for PERMers if most BECers quited to join PERMS