FLSnowBall2006-09-11 22:01:43
Today my employer got the mail. But there is only one-page paper, saying "Form ETA 750 has been certified and is enclosed". So it's certified. But There is no enclosed Form ETA 750. Anyone knows what eaxctly we will get after LC certified? Form ETA 750 and The paper certificate? Where will they send it to? Employer or lawyer or employee? Thanks.
greatstar2006-09-11 22:03:32
TX_Kitty2006-09-11 22:13:20
Certified ETA750 should send to your lawyer
haowen12342006-09-11 22:18:10
5_88582006-09-12 06:25:15
回复:Labor in BEC certified finially
litaibai20002006-09-12 16:46:28
what is your PD (when did you file)? In PBEC? I'm waiting