leii2006-09-14 23:53:33
Two questions:
1.Call CIS just now. I was told that the first name check request which ted on Sep 2005 was clear,however, the other one ted on Jan.2006 is still pending. Finger printer was done on Dec,2005 and clear.
Why is there another name check requirment? I am confused. Is somthing wrong about my name?
2 LUD is Aug 16,2006.The rep said the note under that day was "under review". My PD is July,2005 (NIW). Is it mean they are reviewing my case before the priority date become current?

Thanks in advance.
leii2006-09-15 00:19:46
Sorry, it is for Xiaobaitu, radioloy and other people who can he
xiaobaitu2006-09-15 00:55:50
leii2006-09-15 01:14:09
xiaobaitu2006-09-15 01:25:17