tutututu2006-09-16 04:18:14
My F1 status ended in August 2004, but my H1 status started from Oct. 1st 2004. Does this 1 month gap affect I-485 application?

Fortunately in 2004, there was a [Supplemental Information Regarding the H-1B Numerical Limitation for Fiscal Year 2004 Affecting F and J Nonimmigrants] issued by BCIS said that if I filed H1B before July 30, 2004 and H1B start date no later than Oct. 1st, 2004. Then my F1 status can be automatically extended to Oct. 1st 2004. I did that, which means there was no real gap between my F1 and H1 status.

I'm wondering if it's necessary to put a special note to explain this situation? I'm afraid the INS officer may forget the situation several years ago and think I had out of status before when reviewing my I-485 application.
howdy2006-09-16 07:01:41
Section 212 of INA allows 120 days grace period
toosad2006-09-16 07:02:24
tutututu2006-09-16 07:06:58
tutututu2006-09-16 07:10:23
howdy2006-09-16 07:21:59
Gap was not a crime and should not be considered as
tutututu2006-09-16 07:29:47
Thanks, I'll inquire my attorney for this also.
howdy2006-09-16 07:33:36
No problem, could ask ur attorney w/ gap could not be