xzwc2004-02-03 19:10:00
Personal background for 2003 tax year: I am a Chinese student here since Fall 2002. My wife is F2, staying at home. I am holding Reasearch Assistantship which is taxable (except the first $5000). I have the following questions about the Tax Return 2003. Thank you very much!

I heard that: a student (myself) and the spouse (my wife, F2, stay at home) can do tax return together to get almost all my tax withdrewed back. I read through some files from IRS these several days but could not figure out whether and how I can do that?

If 1) I use 1040NR, only the spouse of Canada,
Mexico, Japan, and South Korea (and maybe India also) resident can be claimed for one exemption. So, Chinese people cannot.

If 2) I use 1040EZ for a Joint Return, that will be
good. But I think I am not eligible to use 1040EZ
because the Instructions said students under F VISA
are considered as NonResident Alien (unless after 5
years?) even they pass the Substantial Presence Test
of the Instructions.

And also I cannot find where I can get more tax back
if I have a US citizen kid here.

And, in order to apply a Taxpayer Identification
Number for my wife, the Instructions for W7 said we
must mail the original passport (or other proofs) or
notarized or certified copy of passport to IRS. Is
this the right/best way to do?

Sorry for so long questions. Thank you very much!

我见2004-02-04 08:32:00
回复:Question about Tax Return.