你可以填税表全额要回,根据是:U.S.Tax Treaties publication 901 P.13:
China, People's Repubic of
An individual who is a resident of the People's Republic of China and who is temporarily in the United States primarily to teach, lecture, or conduct research at a university or other accredeited educational institution or scientific research institution is exempt from U.S. income tax on income for the teaching, lecturing or research for a total of not more than 3 years.
This exemption does not apply to incoe from research carried on mainly for the privated benefit of any person rather than in the public interest.
至于州税,要不要的回来要看你所在的州承认联邦税法与否,我知道麻州是承认的,所以把这个publication附上就能要回来税,加州就不行,要交税,不过州税是小头了。Good luck!