郁闷呢2006-09-25 23:56:24
跟FBI要了一个FOIPA request,答复如下:
"No records responsive to your FOIPA request were located by a search of the automated indices"

然后建议我可以file an administrative appeal marked "freedom of information appeal"

有谁知道什么意思啊? 让我appeal什么呀?
mytwocents2006-09-26 00:04:30
No record is a good news for FOIPA. However, it helps little
郁闷呢2006-09-26 00:08:45
怎样才能help more呢? 要我appeal什么意思?
mytwocents2006-09-26 00:15:18
The appeal part is the standard message if you think
郁闷呢2006-09-26 00:29:09
mytwocents2006-09-26 00:31:36
It may. I am not sure.
郁闷呢2006-09-26 01:03:00
xiaobaitu2006-09-26 07:11:32
注意no record 不等于背景调查完成,因为背调除了过滤犯罪外,还有
xiaobaitu2006-09-26 08:57:09