confusednow2006-09-26 03:52:44
my received date is 8/28/2006
notice date is 09/16/2006
I got the receipt notice from my lawyer today.
If notice info show as Nebraska service center and case# begin with LIN , does it mean my case was in that center? Thank you.
confusednow2006-09-26 03:53:23
thank you Bonsoir.
sameboat2006-09-26 04:29:29
Lin means Lincoln, Nebraska = NSC
confusednow2006-09-26 04:52:05
Thank you, sameboat
NIW_062006-09-26 05:27:53
Thank you for sharing & Good luck to you!
ilovemomidad2006-09-26 15:27:46
从你寄出到receive date有几天?
confusednow2006-09-26 21:05:06
sent out around 8/24,receved date 8/28/06,EB3