H1?H4?2006-10-03 22:43:33
H1已经申请到, 本该10/01生效. 但公司是个Consulting Company, 到现在也没有给我找到活干. 什么手续也没办, 我现在还在家呆着. 有谁知道我现在的身份是什么吗?我原来是H4.
radiology2006-10-03 22:48:09
rerre2006-10-03 22:50:07
H1, but you are violating your status
mytwocents2006-10-03 22:51:13
Technically, out of status.
H1?H4?2006-10-03 22:53:26
radiology2006-10-03 23:07:13
mytwocents2006-10-03 23:10:16
I believe that he/she already has the new I-94.
H1?H4?2006-10-03 23:14:16
回复:那我就一直是H4, 直到我填了W-9表, 是吗?
mytwocents2006-10-03 23:17:38
No. Once your H1(with I-94) is approved, your old H4 is gone for
H1?H4?2006-10-03 23:22:13
回复:那我现在就填W-9, 是否就没事了?
mytwocents2006-10-03 23:26:51
It is OK. However, you can not do that for
freecall2006-10-04 15:46:03
Out of Status already!!!!!!!!!