yiqiuchaomu2006-10-04 18:22:18
给一位不认识我的推荐人写了一封电子邮件看能不能写推荐信。他回信说,a little reluctant to sign as he has not actually meet me. 但是又说 If sending him more information about my requirements so he can better understand what I am asking him to do, then maybe he will reconsider. 请教各位,我该如何回这封信呢,他是不是婉言拒绝我了。还是可以再考虑,我应该给他提供些什么材料让他明白我要的推荐信。多谢多谢了。
lily8882006-10-04 18:42:48
forget it!!!I met this kind of person.