yiqiuchaomu2009-07-09 04:29:31
请教各位朋友,怎么能证明这点, Seeks to continue to work in the area of his extraordinary
ability 。我现在在大学是Assistant Research Scientist(实际上就是博士后),拿到了一个公司的offer,做 Senior Research Scientist。研究的领域一模一样。是不是用这个offer就能证明啊。用这个offer做证据好不好啊。多谢多谢各位了!
8632112009-07-09 05:17:30
回复:请教各位大侠,怎么证明,seeks to continue to work in the area
yiqiuchaomu2009-07-09 14:25:12
回复:回复:请教各位大侠,怎么证明,seeks to continue to work in the area
8632112009-07-09 14:40:56
回复:回复:回复:请教各位大侠,怎么证明,seeks to continue to work in the area