CANIW2006-10-14 05:45:55
Received emails from USCIS this morning telling us that our NIW I-140 petition was approved. Not very excited because expected to be approved. Want to share with you the information and hope it is helpful to some of you here.

DIY NIW I-140 petition

RD: 07/26/06
AD: 10/13/06


1. Ph.D. in China, biomedical sciences
2. 16 publications: 12 in international journals (9 first-author papers) and 4 papers in Chinese journal but in English.
3. 4 international conference abstracts (all are talks including two talks in the plenary session)
4. Total citations: 131 (77 citations by other labs)
5. Two important papers were highlighted as "of outstanding interest" to the field by two review papers
6. Reviewed one manu for a journal (impact factor 4.3)
7. Two awards from China, one speaker award from an international meeting.
8. 8 recommendation letters (7 from full professors from Stanford, UC berkeley, UCSF, Johns Hopkins, Oregon Health & Science University and a government entity; 1 letter from a former CEO of a biotech company and now board of directors of several biotech companies). All these letters were written by myself without modification by others. My referees only made minor changes. I guess my recommendation letters may help a lot.
9. I included many emails from others requesting for antibodies, plasmids and cell lines. Just to demonstrate the impact of my research on the field.
10. Only joined one Society, which requires only Bachelor's degree. Didn't want to spend money and felt no need to join more.

Want to apply for EB1a but was not very confident. Any suggestions are welcome.

zgahconzn2006-10-14 06:40:00
回复:DIY NIW I140 approved today from TSC
CANIW2006-10-14 07:02:17
Yes, I wrote the petition letter (16 pages) myself.
zgahconzn2006-10-14 07:47:55
回复:Yes, I wrote the petition letter (16 pages) myself.
luobu2006-10-14 15:39:35
Congratulation! You deserved it!