TSCINPANCI2004-02-10 17:22:26
Here are the main part of my REF ( for my NIW 140 application).
Do I sitll have chance? I don't have job now. On Feb,2 I got the notice from the internet and got the INS REF letter yesterday.

please re-submit evidence that clearly shows that the beneficiary is eligible for a national interest waiver
demonstrated that the national interest would be adversely affected if a labor certification were required for the alien

submit evidence to persuasively establish that the national interest would be adversely affected if an employer were required to obtain labor certification

how does depriving the petitioner of the beneficiary's services by allowing a US worker your position be contrary to the national interest?

how does the beneficiary's research have a significant benefit to the field?

submit documentation that shows the beneficiary's skills or background are unique and innovative and serve the national interest, does the beneficiary possess any special skills ,knowledge or abilities that could not be articulated on a labor certification.

please submit evidence of how the beneficiary is the head of the project or a critical memeber

please submit evidence showing that the beneficiary's research
,where the beneficiary is primary

TSCINPANCI2004-02-10 17:35:16
痛苦中TSC,2004-02-10 17:55:02
法居士2004-02-11 06:17:44