BeRich2006-10-28 21:42:06

1. PhD from top 5 University in US
2. 5 Journal papers published in some US journals, first author of 4 and second author of 1 (good journals in my research field, but the citation index is a little bit low)
3. 1 patent filed, but hasn't been issued
4. only 1 citation for now and the journal is a Chinese journal (二,三流的杂志)
5. Working in R&D department of a big company (2 years already), and sallary is OK
6. Membership of ASME (not difficult to get the membership as long as you have a degree)

公司律师说我的paper不够多,citation太少,EB1-B只有50% 的机会. 不知道各位有经验的人怎么看.请多给些建议.
还有如果是自己申请NIW呢?EB1-B 和NIW 推荐信的差别大吗?
BeRich2006-10-28 21:47:06
xiaobaitu2006-10-28 22:59:21
poiuy2006-10-28 23:33:46
my God! 50% success is not worth trying? You just lose money if
BeRich2006-10-28 23:43:35