xihong2006-11-07 00:20:20
请各位大侠帮忙看看,心里实在是不确定,申请NIW,on oct 26 收到第二次RFE,内容和第一次一样,on OCT 27 ,Recived another letter form USCIS today after the 2nd RFE letter. It is an I-797C, Notice of Action.

"After review, we have reopened the above application or petition, or reconsidered the decision previously issued. You will recive a notice under seperate cover once all action has been completed."

What does this mean? Should I respond to the 2nd RFE anyway?
Thanks a lot!!!
xiaobaitu2006-11-07 03:38:47
这 就 说 明 案 件 被 重 新 打 开 了 , 等 于 尚 未 做 决 定