hopefortomorrow2006-11-15 03:50:50
My NIW has been approved. But I cannot file I-485 because my PD is not current. I may have to change job next year. I want to have some real cases to give me information how risky it will be if I change job. Thanks for sharing!
批了多少?2006-11-15 05:03:44
if you are in the same field, why bother to ask and fear?
传者2006-11-15 07:19:53
atoms2006-11-15 13:14:22
回复:Please share your experiences of NIW chaning job!
hopefortomorrow2006-11-15 16:48:19
回复:回复:Please share your experiences of NIW chaning job!
hopefortomorrow2006-11-15 17:04:11
If my H-1 reach 6-year after I change job, can I ask 2nd employe