寄申请到移民局,后来想取消申请,CANCEL了支票.现在USCIS寄来帐单,我该怎么办?移民局的Debt Management Center 寄来宾INVOICE,然后DUE DATE是2006年的12月6日,然后还加收了$30的RETURN CHECK FEE. 然后说的是 IN ORDER TO Continue processing this application or petition, full pay ment must be received at the Debt Management Center by due date.但是在这张INVOICE的背面又说了,如果不交他们会在180天后把这个帐单转到DEPARTMENT of the TREASURY for COllection,然后Department of Treasury collection actions could include one or more of the following actions: Report to Credit Bureaus, referral to the Treasury offset program for salary, tax refund, or other federal payment offset, and referral to collection agencies. In addition, the debt may be subject to administrative wage garnishment,your identity may be published or publicly disseminated, and/or the debt may be sold to a third party. Also, you will be responsible for all fees and services charged in collection of the debt. Please be advised that unless amounts owed can be collected administratively ,the bebt may be referred to Immigration and Naturalization Service or Department of Justice Counsel for legal action.