IWANTDIY2006-11-30 17:52:32
I have 16 journal paper (6 are first authors and the other are co-authors, most of them are the second authors), citation is up to 147 times, reviews 20 papers for 7 journals, membership of APS, IEEE and Sigma Xi. I don't have any prize or media report. :-(


1. should i try eb1a?

2. if i file eb1a, should i file i-140 together with I-485 etc? (i'm planning to file eb2/NIW like 1-3 months after eb1a)

3. if i file two i-140 petitions, and the one under eb1a is denied or approved later than the one under eb2/niw, can i use the I-485 petition under eb1a for eb2/niw?

4. why post-doc or researcher/professor doesn't file eb1b? is it because it requires permament employment letter? what is the difference between eb1a and eb1b?

Thank you very much!
radiology2006-11-30 19:58:35
回复:questions about eb1/eb2 application, please help!
IWANTDIY2006-11-30 20:48:50
Thank you radiology! So maybe is it better to file I-485 after t
IWANTDIY2006-11-30 20:50:07
Maybe it is better to file 485 after the approval of i-140?
radiology2006-11-30 21:25:05
peacewang2006-11-30 21:34:36
回复:why do that
peacewang2006-11-30 21:38:57
回复:try to get a media report