我用的premium process, RFE letter 好象是标准格式的那种, 只是重复那些条件, 没有特别的针对性. 我的情况如下:
Ph.D in EE, now working as a senior Engineer in a small semiconductor company
Papers(25)+Posters (5), All in English.
hold some world records of device performances in the area. Citations: >65
Reviewer for one journal
1 Chinese Patent
1 Chinese award (省级)
Developed some prototype product for some company
Now is working on some defense project
Previous recommenders:
3 bosses
4 independent recommender: 1 from government, 2 from industry, 1 from academic
我的案子是公司的律师办的, 但是他实在没有花多少精力.所以请教各位大虾, 帮我出点注意, 应该怎样准备材料.由于我的OPT 和H1-B 在明年7~10 月之间有gap,我希望这个EB-1A能就小弟一命.恳请xiaobaitu及其他大侠指点! 多谢!!!