waitGC2006-12-06 13:32:56

Indians may get social security money on return from US

Date: Dec 05, 06 Author: Source: http://myVisaJobs.com/news
New Delhi, Dec 5 (IANS) The US is considering a pact with India to refund
social security contributions by Indians on their return even if they had
not worked for a requisite number of years, a top official said Tuesday.
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绿卡长征2006-12-06 14:19:05
SFbayareaguy2006-12-06 22:50:47
what a great news for Indians! China government
SFbayareaguy2006-12-06 22:55:12
China has only J-1 2-year waiver rules! Hahaha...blablabla...