diddldiddl2006-12-07 02:28:58
EB1 (based on L1-A) case), PD 12/2004, 140/EAD/AP 都早已approve了,一直在等485,通过律师询问过,11月7日受到书面回复,被告知case delay, 在background check,可是今天上网发现同一天(11月7日)有个LUD, online case status是:
“Current Status: Fingerprints review completed. Review of the fingerprints taken relating to this I485 APPLICATION has been completed. Processing of this case continues. We will notify you by mail when we make a decision or if we need something from you...."

请问,这个note是说明background check结束了吗?为什么同一天的答复会不同呢?请问见过类似case吗?

xiaobaitu2006-12-07 02:32:52
finger print check只是background checkd的一部分,很少案子
radiology2006-12-07 03:28:38