MMH&GGM2006-12-18 21:34:42
申请EAD 前是F1
Martinlu20033152006-12-18 22:33:24
Adjustment of status is the final step to
MartinLu20033152006-12-18 22:34:01
So, you are far away from AOS
MMH&GGM2006-12-18 22:47:22
485 已经递上去了,485 不是就是 adjustment of status 吗?
Martinlu20033152006-12-19 00:43:43
sorry, I thought you said you are F. Afte 485, once you
radiology2006-12-19 02:32:33
回复:AOS 身份是从用EAD 工作开始算起
MMH&GGM2006-12-19 02:56:47
So I am still F1 status even if EAD is approved as long as I do
MMH&GGM2006-12-19 03:02:23
not use EAD, right? Thanks
radiology2006-12-19 03:08:30
MMH&GGM2006-12-19 03:28:41
I have not graduated yet. I applied 485 and EAD throught the spo
MMH&GGM2006-12-19 03:29:14
the spouse.
radiology2006-12-19 03:32:59
回复:So, you are F1 if you not used EAD
MartinLu20033152006-12-19 03:51:19
EAD is not a status, it is related to different status. So,
radiology2006-12-19 04:20:39
回复:即便file 485,你的移民状态进入AOS,但你仍然可以
MartinLu20033152006-12-19 04:21:21
Amentment: if your spouse is h1b after 485, you are in the
radiology2006-12-19 04:23:45
xiaobaitu2006-12-19 05:02:57
MMH&GGM2006-12-19 14:34:36
Thank you very much for all three of your answers.