tiger7232006-12-23 18:57:47
I(我的太太) am sponsoring the following family members immigrating at the same time or within six months of the principal immigrant named in Part2 above. Do not include any relative listed on a separate visa petition. 请问怎样理解这段话,我太太要为她爸妈填I-864,她妈妈那份是不是不要把她爸爸算进去. 所以她妈妈那份I-864 Household Size 就是5=我+我的太太+我们俩个小孩+她妈妈. 爸爸那份I-864 Household Size 5=我+我的太太+我们俩个小孩+她爸爸. 谢谢你们指教.
MartinLu20033152006-12-23 21:14:09
This is for Permnant Resident instead of Visa. So