coolbabe2006-12-26 14:45:28
My mom came in 2003 and got 1 year stay (most people are given half a year) when she entered the US, she stayed a year and went back to China. Her B2 visa was denied yesterday by the Guangzhou Consulate. They said she stayed in the US illegally for at least half a year, because they didn't believe 1 year of stay can ever be possible. My mom was so upset, because even if it was a mistake, it is a mistake made by the US officials, how could she know she can only stay half a year when 1 year's stay was given.
We don't know if one year stay for B2 was ever given lawfully or it was merely a mistake made by the INS. And how can we get around this?
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
Martinlu20033152006-12-26 15:07:56
Apply for wavier and show the evidence
PurpleBlue2006-12-26 19:02:20
回复:please help with strange mother B2 denial
coolbabe2006-12-26 19:10:56
回复:Apply for wavier and show the evidence
coolbabe2006-12-26 19:16:44
回复:回复:please help with strange mother B2 denial
coolbabe2006-12-26 19:18:51
Dear Martinlu,
MartinLu20033152006-12-26 21:06:21
If you are citizen, it maybe different. Better to ask lawyer
PeterVSC2006-12-26 21:28:35
I guess you mistood the the difference between one year visa and