电脑民工2007-01-19 02:27:46
以前大家都说要收到USCIS的RECEIPT后才能去新单位上班...可俺这个新单位的律师却告我说只要收到律师寄往CIS的FEDEX的DELIVERY RECEIPT后俺就能上班了....原信摘抄如下
....we can confirm that Fed Ex delivered the petition to the immigration service today so he can start work anytime or give notice as the case may be. We will send you an I-9 instruction letter so you will know how to complete the I-9 form...


Martinlu20033152007-01-19 04:01:39
From theory, you need to get notice of approval H1b.
xiaobaitu2007-01-19 04:04:36