spotting2007-01-19 18:15:58
finger print review complete... 我和老公欢喜一场,网上移民论坛一查,愿来多数情况是name check 未完成呢。。还等到不知什么时候去呢,

1。这个security check, background check, name check , finger print review complete之间到底是什么因果与先后顺序呀?什么包含什么, 什么在什么之前呀

2。听说诉讼这种情况比较有效,但是cost extra hundreds of bucks to initiate the case.

xiaobaitu2007-01-19 18:18:56
security check = background check = name check + fingerprint che
xiaobaitu2007-01-19 18:20:38
name check和fingerprint check两者独立分别进行,通常后者很快
spotting2007-01-19 18:24:50
got u, that's very clear .
spotting2007-01-19 18:31:59
小白兔,通常如何知道name check 开始和结束process 了呢?
xiaobaitu2007-01-19 18:36:17
peacefullife2007-01-19 18:50:52
For local immigration center do you mean the place that did fing
xiaobaitu2007-01-19 18:58:10
No,the place you did fingerprint is Application Support Center