wenxin2007-01-21 22:51:37
Googled for a while with key word of I -94, still confusing

1.Your poster said(06-11-17)"如果身份不是工作签证(H1B,L1等),I-94被收走是正常的", but I have a valid H1B, but after our interview(EB1-based)the immigation officer still collected and didn't give back my and my hu*****'s I-94, it is normal?
2.some posters said, you need to turn in I-94 when you leave US, some said you don't need it, who is Rt and who is wrong?
3. Suppose I leave US some day( I have never been to other countries since I came here 6 yrs ago), is it OK without my I-94?
xiaobaitu2007-01-22 00:35:39
OK,if you don't have an I-94,the staff of airline will fill new
wenxin2007-01-22 01:03:14