nannuli2007-01-22 14:49:08
请教小白兔和其他大侠: 刚才在USIS 网站上看见有关"Who Needs to Replace a Permanent Resident Card?"的介绍,其中提及在下列两种情况下需要relpace permanent resident card:
---You have been a commuter and are now taking up actual residence in the United States; 或者
---You have been a permanent resident residing in the United States and are now taking up commuter status.

请问这里指的"commuter" 和"commuter status" 的含义是什么? 是指那些因工作或其他需要常年在美国和其他国家之间频繁通勤(commuter)的人士吗? 谢谢
sdfsdfsdff2007-01-22 15:33:47
回复:请教小白兔和其他大侠有关replace green card 规定中的"commut