shuilingling2007-01-25 00:36:02
tranditional LC (12/04) retention PD-> PERM(09/06)
律师说 PERM approved,但是DOL认为我的PD是09/06而不是12/04
律师很肯定和我说,我的PERM和tranditional LC的内容完全一致,肯定是DOL搞错了
他们已经file appeal letter.

有人遇道或听说这种事情吗?appeal有可能成功吗? How long will this take?

Thanks a lot!
rerre2007-01-25 00:41:59
shuilingling2007-01-25 00:44:31
yes, it is dol's fault.
rerre2007-01-25 01:04:37
Government tends to be slow in correcting errors
shuilingling2007-01-25 01:13:30
回复:Government tends to be slow in correcting errors
cth1632007-01-25 06:04:31
Carry over needs different job deion